BOOK: 21st Century Pointing Dog Training by Paul Fuller
New! A revolutionary book on pointing dog training which guides you through understanding and loving your dog. From the Stone Age to the 21st Century, this book helps you understand your dog, how it thinks and where it came from. You’ll learn how it communicates and how much it loves you…if you give love also. We’ll talk about creating the bond that is a must for a quality hunting partner and member of the family. And, you’ll finish with a top performer in the field. Scroll down to see more details!
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Twelve chapters of solid bird dog training; from yard training to bird work to the uplands.
21st Century Pointing Dog Training Book - Digital Version
For 21st Century Pointing Dog Training, the book is available as a PDF file download. The first edition hard copy of the book is sold out. The PDF file download contains the entire 136 pages. You can treat the book as an ebook and read it from the file or print out your own hard copy. The cost is $15.00. See below for ordering information.