Bird Dogs Afield host Paul Fuller is the gun dog columnist for Northwoods Sporting Journal. The Journal has granted permission to re-print Paul’s articles. Thank you Northwoods Sporting Journal.
Paul recaps the various grouse and woodcock trips he took during October.
The Bird Dogs Afield team travels to Plentywood, Montana for sharp-tail grouse and Hungarian Partridge.
Paul reviews how we prepare for the opening day of bird season.
A step-by-step pre-season system for tuning-up the already trained pointing dog.
Both you and your dog need to eat right and exercise before the season.
Paul examines the pros and cons of the forced fetch and the natural retrieve.
The various methods of communicating with our dog are explored.
If a puppy has a bad experience with a bird, training may have a train wreck.
Paul discusses positive and negative reinforcement and how association makes the connection for the dog
A bird needs to be delivered suitable for the dinner table. Here are some tips for curing hard mouth.
Paul travels the country (on paper) looking for Bird Hunter's Utopia.